Ngena ngemvume QALA LAPHA

Multilingual Website

Make multi-language websites in a few clicks. SITE123 gives its clients many language tools. Make your website in the languages you want today.

Zama Manje

Website Translator

You can translate all your website text automatically using top translation engines such as Google Translate and Bing Translate, or you can do a personal translation with a unique and easy-to-use translation interface. You can export your website translation file and send it to a professional translator and then bring them back up quickly. The SITE123 Multilingual Website Tool can duplicate your site to every dialect you choose. It also knows how to create a perfectly translated website for Right-To-Left Languages.

Multi Language SEO

Every language gets a separate URL! This means that every language can get a different domain (Examples:,, which will be fully scanned by Google and other search engines. Href-Lang Meta Tags will be embedded to every page on your site (on the main language and on the duplicate languages). Sitelink.xml that is scanned by Google and other search engines will be built automatically for every language. The language menu will be built automatically on your website.

Language Flags & Icons

It is easy to add flags for each language on your website. You can pick any language flag to display next to the selected language. Also, with the SITE123 Multilingual Website Tool your design will maintain a professional and uniform structure.

Ezinye izici Ezinhle

Amakhasimende ethu ajabulile

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I-SITE123, ngaphandle kokungabaza, ingumklami wewebhusayithi olula futhi osebenziseka kalula engike ngahlangana nawo. Ochwepheshe babo bengxoxo yosizo bangochwepheshe kakhulu, okwenza inqubo yokwakha iwebhusayithi ehlaba umxhwele ibe lula ngendlela emangalisayo. Ubuchwepheshe nokusekelwa kwabo kuvelele ngempela. Lapho sengithole i-SITE123, ngayeka ngokushesha ukusesha ezinye izinketho - kuhle lokho. Inhlanganisela yesikhulumi esinembile nokusekelwa kwezinga eliphezulu kwenza i-SITE123 igqame emqhudelwaneni.
UChristi Prettyman us Flag
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I-SITE123 isebenziseka kalula kokuhlangenwe nakho kwami. Ezikhathini ezingavamile lapho ngihlangabezana nobunzima, ukusekela kwabo ku-inthanethi kwabonakala kungavamile. Baxazulula ngokushesha noma yiziphi izinkinga, okwenza inqubo yokudala iwebhusayithi ishelele futhi ijabulise.
Bobbie Menneg us Flag
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Ngemuva kokuzama abakhi bewebhu abahlukahlukene, i-SITE123 igqama njengengcono kakhulu kwabaqalayo abafana nami. Inqubo yayo esebenziseka kalula kanye nokwesekwa okukhethekile okuku-inthanethi kwenza ukwakhiwa kwewebhusayithi kube lula. Ngokuzethemba nginikeza i-SITE123 isilinganiso esigcwele sezinkanyezi ezi-5 - silungele abasaqalayo.
Paul Downes gb Flag
Musa ukulinda isikhathi eside, dala iwebhusayithi yakho namuhla! Dala iwebhusayithi

Amawebhusayithi angaphezu kuka- 2081 SITE123 adalwe ku - US namuhla!